Polarimetric K-Band Scanning Radiometer

Project Overview 

The operating frequency of PKSR can be switched between Ku (18.7 GHz center, 800 MHz bandwidth) and Ka-band (36.5 center, 1.8 GHz bandwidth), see Figure 2-5. In this study only Kaband will be used. This radiometer measures brightness temperature at both V and H polarisations. This horn-shape radiometer can scan from 0° to 360° with a minimum scan step angle of 0.36°. The maximum scan speed limit is 120°/sec. The PKSR antennas are made up of a scalar feed horn at Ka and Ku band and a shared 90˚ metal mirror. The scalar feed horns were standard off the shelf components with 22.5˚ and 23.5˚ half power beamwidths at Ka and Kuband respectively. The antenna parameters are tabulated below:

Parameters Ka
Mirror Diameter
8.5" (216 mm)

Feed 3dB Beam-Width (deg.)
Mirror Edge Taper (dB)
16.1 13.6
Feed Beam-Width @ Mirror Edge

Feed-Mirror Illumination Efficiency (%)
Radiometer 3 dB Beam-Width (deg.)
Radiometer 99% BE Beam-Width (deg.)

Warm calibration of PKSR was performed before and after each flight by making brightness temperature measurements of a calibration target. A long warm and sky calibration was conducted before and after this campaign. Water calibration was accomplished by measuring the brightness temperature of a water body (Lake Wyangan) during each flight.

PKSR Equipment

View of Ka (top) and Ku (bottom) RF plate

View of Ka (top) and Ku (bottom) RF plate.

PLEASE NOTE: The following data sets should be acknowledged according to the following:


X. Wu, N. Ye, J. Walker, I.-Y. Yeo, T. Jackson, Y. Kerr, E. Kim and A. McGrath. (2019). The P-band Radiometer Inferred Soil Moisture Experiment 2019 WORKPLAN. Monash University, 121.